School Readiness Program
The preschool room participates in a school readiness program that is designed to support and meet the children's current interests but also meet the skills and abilities required for kindergarten.
Cutting experiences: The children have been learning about letters and this week they focused on letter R. The children requested to cut the letter out instead of tracing the letter. The children tried their best to cut the letter R. This allowed the children to develop and strengthen their fine motor skills as well as learning to hold a pair of scissors correctly. Children also participate in cut and paste activities where they are required to cut out the pictures and paste them onto the worksheet.
Sequencing story: As an extension of learning The Very Hungry Caterpillar, we tried to sequence the story using the printed picture cards from the story. We combined three round tables together as a caterpillar first. Then Miss Kristy helped us to review the story. The children used their memory skills and knowledge of the story to recall the timeline of food that the caterpillar ate over the week. The children worked together to sequence the cards in order.
Tracing: The younger preschoolers participate in tracing activities to improve on their pencil grip and learning to practice writing.
Show and Tell - The older preschoolers participate in a daily show and tell where the children are able to talk about and show something they brought in from home. This allows the children to build confidence in speaking in front of others and on their language and vocabulary skills.