Children went on an Excursion to the local pet shop!
Community excursions are not only an exciting change of scene from the early learning centre, but it also provides a whole host of benefits for children.
Community Library Visit
Children went on an Excursion to the library in Burwood!
Community excursions are not only an exciting change of scene from the early learning centre, but it also provides a whole host of benefits for children.
Educators spoke about road safety while on the journey there as well as community awareness.
While at the Library Children got to explore the library as well as look at all the books. Children learned how to find books and other resources they need from the library and the experience of visiting the library support our children in their School Readiness program through developing a love of reading and pre reading skills and their awareness of the wider community.
Community - Cafe Experience
The children had the opportunity to go to the rusty rabbit coffee shop. Before we head out, the educator talked about the safety walk with the rope and not pressing any buttons in the lift.
When we arrived at the coffee shop, the children waited patiently in line to order their Babychino.
During the excursion, the children had the opportunity to contact a lot of people and say hello to them. They enjoyed very much greeting everyone that stopped to see them. They used their good manners saying thank you and waving goodbye on the way back, and waving and smiled along the way.

Excursion to Burwood Pet Shop
Children went on an Excursion to the local pet shop!
Community excursions are not only an exciting change of scene from the early learning centre, but it also provides a whole host of benefits for children.

Water Safety Incursion
Childcare and Early Learning Centres can play an important role in promoting water safety messages to both children and parents. In order to raise our children’s water safety awareness and knowledge, we worked closely with our community and invited The Royal Life Saving Society to come and talk about water safety education with us.
Children learned about how to stay safe near the pool and on the sand as the rhyme in the book said “at the pool and on the sand, always hold an adult’s hand”. At the end of the session, children all received a certificate for becoming a water smart kid! Well done Jungles and Arctics! 👍🏻
Pyjama Week at Little Bees
Burwood Little Bees Childcare participated in Pyjama Week educating and raising awareness within our community about foster care.
During the week children engaged in a pyjama dance party, discussion of bedtime stories, educators hosted a cinema movie experience while enjoying popcorns and healthy drinks.
In total we had raised $105 on Pyjama Day this year to help children in Foster Care.

Burwood Police Visits Little Bees
The police officers from the Burwood police station visited the children at Burwood Little Bees.
The police officers talked about stranger danger, for example how to define who is a stranger, who are the safe people to seek help from and how to keep safe around the strangers. The police officers provided a few scenarios for children to really use their thinking skills and think about the correct actions to take.
Furthermore, they also taught children the road safety including the children's car safety seats and how to cross the road safely.

Henny Penny Hatching Eggs
Burwood Little Bees hosted "hatching chicks" program at our service.
This educational program showcases and involves children in a hands-on experience exploring the life cycle of a chick! An Incubator was set up at the service, where the children got to watch each stage of the life cycle, from the eggs hatching, followed by the chicks growing through their first two weeks of life.
Throughout the two weeks, the educators fostered the children's learning about their life cycle and understanding of how to care for the chicks.

Dental Check up at Little Bees
The children enjoyed very much to meet Mr Dino Dentist and have their little teeth checked.
Families were very keen to participate as it allows to keep children with good oral health.

Excursion- Police Station
Children from Little Bees Childcare got the opportunity to visit the local Police station
The police officers talked about stranger danger, for example how to define who is a stranger, who are the safe people to seek help from and how to keep safe around the strangers. The police officers provided a few scenarios for children to really use their thinking skills and think about the correct actions to take.
Furthermore, they also taught children the road safety including the children's car safety seats and how to cross the road safely.
Children also got the opportunity to explore the police station as well as have a look inside the police car and play with the siren.

Incursion- Reverse Garbage
We had two special guests visit the education and care service., Mr Miles and Miss Eloise from the reverse garbage. The aim of the incursion is to provide an opportunity for our children to develop fine and gross motor skills while investigating, hypothesising and experimenting with a wide range of recycled materials. In today’s session, children observed and touched a selection of clean waste materials and discussed which are the correct bins to put them. They also found out how to tell the difference between different types of plastics (hard, bendy or soft) and how they can be recycled. After that, children worked in pairs to make their own boats from plastic bottles and other materials and tested how well they float on the water. It was such a fun and meaningful experience for our children to grow their sustainability awareness and develop their scientific skills.

Bright Stars Dance Class
Bright Stars Dance for Fun is an exciting dance program for pre-schools and daycares. Our classes are tailored to suit a range of ages between 1 - 6 years and are an engaging combination of jazz dance technique, musicality activities, imagination development and group interaction.

Forever Fit Kids multi-sport, dance and fitness day care program focuses on fundamental principles, such as educating and implementing healthy habits including physical, cognitive, psychological and social development.
Excursion- Fire Station
To extend the children interest and further develop their knowledge and connectedness with the community, Little Bees Burwood organised a visit to Burwood fire station.
The children were delighted to see the fire truck on the street and driving into the garage. The firefighters welcomed us and invited us to sit in the garage so we could learn more about their job.
As we were talking the alarm sounded and the firefighters had to leave quickly for an emergency. What a thrill to see them in action! They left the station with the lights on and sirens welling.

Incursion- Living Safely with Dogs
Little Bees Burwood had two special guests visiting us this morning, a lady and a dog Qiqi from the Responsible Pet Owner Education Program. The aim of the incursion is to provide an opportunity for our children to know about the things we should not do to dogs and how to approach and greet a dog safely during the experience. Children listened carefully about how to safely and respectfully interact with dogs and what to do if they are approached by an angry dog. They learned to approach and greet a dog safely by walking up slowly and stop, ask the owner and smell their hands, then stroke the dog gently with their hands. After that, our children took turns to pet the dog Qiqi by following the steps we learned today. It was such a fun and meaningful experience for our children to grow their safety awareness about the dogs and develop their understanding of “No Owner, No Leash, No Touch”!